Personal Health Budgets
A Personal Health Budget is an amount of money that is provided to you by the NHS to support your health and wellbeing needs.
It must be used for your health and wellbeing. You cannot use the money for anything else.
Your budget will be planned and agreed between you, your parent / carer (or someone who represents you), and your local NHS team.
It is not extra funding, but it can give you more choice and control over the care you receive. This can improve your quality of life and the experience you have of care services.
You will not get any more (or any less) support by having a Personal Health Budget.
If you don't want a Personal Health Budget, you don't have to have one.
See NHS: What is a Personal Health Budget.
Effect on other income
Personal Health Budgets are:
- not means-tested (there is no check to see if you or your household is eligible due to your circumstances)
- not part of the benefits system
- not taken into account when working out which benefits you are entitled to