Support for SEN in schools

Moving into, within or between schools (transition)

Transition is the term used to describe any changes for your child as they move into, within, between and out of schools / settings.

The key educational transition stages are:

  • Starting early years
  • Early years to primary school
  • Key stages within primary school (early years to key stage 1, key stage 1 to key stage 2, and possibly moving between year groups)
  • Primary to secondary school
  • Secondary school to further education or work, and preparing for adulthood

Why transitions are important

The SEND Code of Practice emphasises the importance of transitions, especially when moving from one phase of education to another.

This includes children and young people who receive SEN support as well as those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Transitions can cause anxiety for children / young people and parents / carers, so it is important to have a plan that will support the child / young person.

'To support transition, the school should share information with the school, college or other setting the child or young person is moving to' (SEND Code of Practice 6.57)


A transition plan should be developed.

You, your child and any other relevant professionals should be involved in the planning process and this should be done in a suitable time frame.

The child / young person's SEN support should be reviewed.

The current setting should share information with the setting the child / young person is moving to using the agreed South Tyneside format.

For children / young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), there are timescales that must be followed at certain stages. See annual reviews.

What might be available

Transition planning should be based on the child and their needs, and what the school / setting is able to provide.

You should discuss what support can be given to your child with the current / new setting.

Some examples of what might be offered as part of a transition include:

  • Regular visits to their new school or college
  • The opportunity to meet key staff
  • Visits to their current school or college from staff that will be working with them in the future
  • Their new timetable so they can talk about any concerns before they start
  • A visual timetable if necessary
  • A map of the school / college to help them plan routes between classes