Housing and living independently

Equipment and changes to your home

You may need changes to your home or equipment to help you become / or remain independent.  

This could be something simple like adding handrails in the bathroom, or a full adaptation of your home.  

Disabled Facilities Grant 

You may need essential changes to your home, or extra facilities to help you stay / become independent.

You will need to have an assessment by an occupational therapist to find out what changes you need.

If you need changes to your home, you may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant

This is a means-tested grant, which means there is a check to see if you or your household is eligible based on your circumstances.

The grant can cover up to 100% of the cost of the recommended changes. 

See Disabled Facilities Grant

Assistive technology  

Assistive technology can help you to live safely and independently at home.

There are lots of options, such as call systems so you to easily contact someone if you need help, or special sensors that can alert family, carers or social care staff if there is an emergency,  

You may need to pay towards the costs of the equipment, its installation, and the running of the service. 

You will need an assessment to see what equipment would be helpful and discuss the costs. 

See South Tyneside Council: Assistive technology.

AskSARA (online self help tool)

AskSARA is an online self-help guide. It provides expert advice and information on products and equipment for adults of all ages who want to stay independent in and outside of their home.

If you think you need equipment, you need to be referred by the Let's Talk team or your GP.

For information on how to use it, see South Tyneside Council: AskSARA.

You can also visit the AskSARA website.