Guide to preparing for adulthood

Year 12 (16 to 17 years old)

Education, training and employment

Planning your next steps

You will need to start making decisions about what you would like to do when you turn 18.

If you want to continue in education / training, you will need to visit the settings you are considering, and speak to them about the support they can offer you.

Transport for education

You may no longer be eligible for transport to and from your school / setting.

You will need to think about this when making decisions about where to continue your education / training.

Funding for education

If you do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan, or if your plan will cease (stop) because you no longer need it, you can apply for the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund if you still need support in education.

If you are planning on going to university you may be eligible for the Disabled Students' Allowance.

Friendship, relationships and community

You should continue thinking about your social group, and how you will make arrangements to keep in touch with your friends in future.

Speak to your social worker or Early Help worker if you need support or help with:

  • accessing local services
  • travelling / getting out when you would like to, either on your own, with friends, or with support
  • using a telephone, mobile, email, and social networking sites
  • using public transport and learning to drive

Developing independence

Accommodation and housing

You may decide that when you turn 18 (or soon after), you would like to live on your own, or move away to university.

You will need to find out more about your housing options, and the support you can get with budgeting and keeping to your tenancy agreement.


If your parents / carers have held a Personal Budget for any of your education, health or care needs, you may be able to take control of this when you turn 18.

You should talk about what support you might need to do this.


You may be entitled to benefits such as Personal Independence Payment or Universal Credit.

You can get advice and guidance about applying for benefits and managing your money from a range of services.

Travelling independently

If can't travel independently, think about the support you might need to help develop your independent travel skills.

Good health

Looking after your health and wellbeing

At 16, you become responsible for decisions about your health, but you may still need some support.

The professionals who support you will work together and share information so they can understand how best to support you and communicate with you.  

You should continue having your Annual Health Check if you are eligible.

If you need continuing health care

Some young people will be eligible for Continuing Health Care.

This will involve an assessment.

Your care co-ordinator will discuss this with you.

Being able to understand and make decisions

Some young people do not have the ability to understand and make a decision when it needs to be made.

See what happens if someone can't understand and make decisions.

Moving to adult health services (transition)

Ready Steady Go supports young people to move into adult health services.

You should be using:

If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan

If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and attend South Tyneside College, South Tyneside Council will now hold your Annual Review meetings.

If you are not continuing education or training after you are 18, or you are planning on going to university, they will talk to you about ceasing (stopping) your EHCP.

If you are continuing in education / training and you would like to have a Personal Budget for your EHCP, you can discuss this with SEND Assessment and Review Team.

If you are a Looked After Child

If you are a Looked After Child, you will be assigned a Personal Assistant when you are 16. They will support you with leaving care.

You may also need support through Adult Social Care.