Annual reviews - Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Stage 1
The meeting host (usually the school / setting) will write to you / the young person, to let you know that it's time for an Annual Review.
They will ask you to contribute your views, wishes and feelings.
This should include your view of the current arrangements, and if you feel any changes should be made to the EHCP.
They must also write to all professionals involved with your child / young person.
All reports should be sent to the meeting host within 2 weeks of the request being made.
Stage 2
The meeting host will send invitations to everyone to attend an Annual Review, giving at least 2 weeks' notice.
They will invite you and your child, and usually invite the same people that have been contacted for advice.
Other people may be invited, if it is felt that their help or contribution may be needed.
The meeting host must send copies of all reports that they have received with the meeting invitation.
Stage 3
The review meeting should be held in the style of a 'Person Centred Planning Meeting'.
It must:
- fully involve you and the child / young person
- consider your views, wishes and feelings
- ask you to help make decisions
Stage 4
After the meeting, a report will be produced that includes any recommendations and changes to be made to the EHCP.
Any differences of opinion should also be presented.
This must be sent to everyone who was invited to the review meeting, and South Tyneside Council, within 2 weeks of the meeting taking place.
Stage 5
When the Council receives the report, it must decide whether:
- no changes are needed to the EHCP
- the EHCP needs to be changed
- the EHCP should be ceased
The Council will let you know the decision within 4 weeks of the annual review meeting, and no later than the anniversary of the first EHCP or last review meeting.