SEND Panel

To make sure that decisions about your child's SEN are made fairly, multi-agency SEND panels meet every 2 weeks during term time.

The panels are made up of a minimum of 5 members, who are professional representatives from education, health and care services.

When a young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan, and they are in Year 11 onwards, decisions about their plan is made by the Post-16 SEND Panel.

What the panel does

The panel reviews information and evidence to consider requests for:

  • Education Health and Care Needs Assessments
    Determining whether a needs assessment is needed. If an assessment has been completed, the panel decides whether to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan.
  • Top-up funding (sometimes known as High Needs Funding)
    Some children and young people need support that costs more than is available to their school / setting. They can apply to the Council for top-up funding to meet these needs.
  • Change of placements
    Any requests for a change in placement is discussed at the panel. This includes when a child or young person is moving into, within or between schools (known as 'transition').
  • Changing / ceasing (stopping) an Education, Health and Care Plan
    If a child's needs change significantly, or the plan is no longer needed, an Education, Health and Care Plan may be changed or ceased (stopped).