Education disputes and appeals

What to do if you are unhappy about any decisions that have been made about your child's SEN.


  1. Overview
  2. Support for children and young people with SEN in schools
  3. Education, Health and Care Plans
  4. School admissions
  5. Complaints


If you are unhappy about any decisions that have been made about your child's SEN, you should first contact the service or school / setting.

In most cases we can work together to resolve any issues to make sure that your child's needs are met.

If you need support with discussing any issues, you can contact SENDIASS.


  • support you to express concerns or issues
  • offer advice and signposting
  • contact school directly with schools at your request
  • support you through all processes around resolving disagreements or complaints.

Support for children and young people with SEN in schools

See resolving disagreements about support in schools.

Education, Health and Care Plans

See: Education, Health and Care Plans.

School admissions

See: South Tyneside Council: Admission appeals panels.


Please contact South Tyneside Council to make a complaint.

See: South Tyneside Council: Complaints.