SEND sport and leisure services
This information is also available to download at SEND Sport and Leisure Directory (PDF).
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The North East Autism Society (NEAS) help children and adults with autism to take part in society.
Providing a level of independence and life skills training, to visually impaired children and young people, as well as offering exciting activities to promote independence, challenges, and confidence-building.
2 Old Kennels
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE13 6DB
Wheelchair accessible climbing wall available for use during sessions. Staff are experienced in supporting children and young people with a wide range of additional needs.
St Simon Street
South Shields
NE34 9SD
Accessible adaptive surf sessions for anyone with additional needs, there are regular and one off sessions and wellbeing courses. They currently have a little funding to help get folk in the water!
South Shields
NE33 2LD
- Contact number: 07583144560
A football club for people with disabilities.
Keelmans Way School Campbell Park Road
NE31 1QY
Youth Project for Young People with SEND/Additional needs aged between 8 and 16, the sessions are split in to two age groups 8-10 and 11+. The group meet in a kitted out youth room and activities on offer are varied and regularly planned with young people who attend.
Jarrow Focus, Cambrian Street
NE32 3QN
Super 1s gives young people with a disability the chance to play regular, competitive cricket. It improves their physical and mental well-being, giving a sense of belonging as they make friends and gain skills for life such as confidence and independence. "Super 1s helps young people realise their potential".
Marsden Road
South Shields
NE34 6RE
Weekly SEND sessions have been designed to cater exclusively for those with additional needs of all ages, with reduced capacity and user-appropriate sound and lighting, allowing them to bounce along with the support of their carer and have fun.
Unit B Sunrise Enterprise Park, Ferryboat Lane
The Autism Hub service is provided by The Toby Henderson Trust and Autism in Mind.
10 Gordon Street
South Shields
NE33 4JP
A producing theatre-arts company run by and for people with learning difficulties and operating in Gateshead and surrounding regions. Groups include the Hip Hop dance crew Ground Breakers.
Shields Road, Pelaw
NE10 0QD