NHS Quality Checkers (Your Voice Counts)

NHS Quality Checkers work with health professionals to look at the quality of health services and provide advice on how services can be made better.

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  1. Overview
  2. Support available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service


Your Voice Counts employ people with lived experience of learning disabilities and / or autism.

This helps to make sure the individuals who are involved with health services:

  • have a voice
  • share their views
  • talk to someone about how they are feeling about the care they have received 

Those who are employed are known as NHS Quality Checkers.

NHS Quality Checkers are trained to carry out Quality Checks.

Quality checking involves working with health professionals to look at the quality of health services and providing advice on how services can be made better.    

The NHS Quality Checkers are supported to put their views into a recommendations report.

This report is used to let services know what steps they need to take to improve their services for those with a learning disability.  

Support available

NHS Quality Checkers will receive full training on how to do an NHS Quality Checkers assessment.  

They will be supported to carry out any tasks and will learn how to do them well.  

Reasonable adjustments will be made to better meet the needs of the employee.

Who can access the service

NHS Quality Checkers must have lived experience of learning disabilities and / or autism.  

How to access the service

NHS Quality Checker vacancies are advertised by Your Voice Counts.

You can find out if there are any current vacancies by visiting the Your Voice Counts website.