Online counselling and advice for people aged 10 to 25 (Kooth)

Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing online service.

Website: Kooth

Disclaimer - South Tyneside Council does not run this service

The information on the website was correct on the date it was published. We make every effort to keep the information on our website correct and up to date, but South Tyneside Council cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or liability for any inconvenience, loss or damage, however arising, from the use of, or reliance of this information.

You should check any information with the relevant service before acting or relying upon it.


  1. Overview
  2. Support available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service


Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing online service.

There are no waiting lists, referrals or thresholds needed to access the service.

Support available

On the Kooth website you can:

  • read interesting and helpful articles about issues like bereavement, anxiety, stress, and more
  • get support anonymously from the Kooth community
  • speak to fully trained and qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners via web-chat

Who can access the service

The service is available for anyone aged 10 to 25 across South Tyneside.

How to access the service

Go to and create an account.