South Tyneside SEND It Youth Forum

A forum created to make sure the voice of students with SEND is heard and considered across South Tyneside.


  1. Overview
  2. Aims
  3. Projects so far


The South Tyneside SEND It Youth Forum is made up of student representatives from secondary specialist schools across the borough.

It was created to make sure the voice of students with SEND was heard and considered in decisions that affect them. It will give them a chance to share what works well at their school and to learn from the work of others.


SEND It meets every half-term at South Shields Town Hall. There are 21 young people representing 7 SEND secondary school student councils.

The same school representatives remain in the group for the school year so we can develop strong relationships and create a community around our group.

It aims to:

  • Share how their school council works, and to collect ideas from others.
  • Take ideas and questions back to their schools to collect more views and involve more children.
  • Meet with senior leaders to express their views and influence Council decision making in SEND.

Projects so far

Sport and Leisure

This project saw the forum create and distribute the SEND Sport and Leisure directory which contains location and activity information for SEND sports and leisure centres and groups throughout the borough.

Sensory equipment in the community

In their second year SEND It have designed and created sensory backpacks which are available at a wide range of community venues across South Tyneside.

For more information, see sensory backpacks.