Moving to adult social care


Adult Social Care supports the people of South Tyneside to live better lives by:

  • supporting them to understand what choices are available to them locally
  • making greater use of our communities
  • helping them to access the right information, support and advice when they need it.

How to get support

To get support from Adult Social Care your child must be over 18.

If you child is already getting support from children's services

If your child is already getting support from children's social services (such as the Children's Disability Team), it may already be known that your child will eventually need support from Adult Social Care.

Your social worker will be able to tell you more about this and what will happen. 

If your child has not had support from children's services

If your child has not had support from children's services, you will need to speak to the Let's Talk Team.

They will talk to you about your situation, and what information, advice or support your child may be able to access as a young adult.

Type of support

Adult Services work closely with a range of other organisations, including health services, housing organisations, and private and voluntary organisations.

It may be that you just need information and advice. 

If this is the case, someone from Adult Social Care will give you information or tell you about other services which can help you.

If your child needs more help, they may need an assessment.